Stochastic Processes

Fall 2020

Instructor: Longmin Wang


Lectures: Friday 6:30–9:05 pm. at B205, 2nd Main Building.

Course Description:

This is an undergraduate course on stochastic processes and applications. We will cover the following topics:

Lecture Notes: Version December 26, 2020 with ERRATA to Version September 18, 2020.

Homework: There are over 80 exercises, in several categories of difficulty: the ones without any stars should be doable by everyone who follows the notes; *** means it might be a challenge for the reader. Please submit exercise solutions with 30 points, where each exercise is worth \(2^{\# \text{ of stars}}\).

Grading Policy: The final grade will be based on homework (30%) and final (70%).


Created: 2020-12-26 Sat 09:50
